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Med Spa FAQs Franco Aesthetics

Frequently Asked Questions - Franco Aesthetics - Norman, OK

Do Dermal Filler and Neuromodulator injections hurt? 

Any discomfort associated with injectable procedures is extremely minimal. Before starting a dermal filler or neuromodulator treatment, we apply a topical anesthetic cream to numb the treatment area. Afterward, we apply an ice pack to prevent discomfort and calm post-procedure inflammation. The fillers in the Restylane and Juvederm lines also contain lidocaine to provide additional numbing. 

How long do the results of Dermal Fillers last?

Most patients enjoy their results for 9 to 12 months before needing a touch-up treatment. Some patients have seen their dermal filler results last for up to two years. Your body will eventually break down and absorb the filler. The length of time this takes varies depending on your individual metabolism and the amount of product administered.

Will my Neuromodulator results look natural?

There is an art to administering injectable neuromodulators. When our experienced injectors perform your procedure, they focus on using just enough product to smooth wrinkles in a way that still leaves your skin looking soft and natural. 

What treatments are available for women experiencing vaginal aging or atrophy?

We offer non and minimally invasive vaginal rejuvenation treatments with EmpowerRF, MorpheusV, and V-tone. These advanced technologies help restore vaginal tone and elasticity, prevent urinary incontinence, and improve sexual enjoyment. 

What Light and Laser treatments do you offer? What are they good for? 

We perform treatments with devices in the Optimas line, including Morpheus8, Morpheus Body, Lumecca IPL, and laser hair removal with Diolaze. Light and laser devices direct specific types of energy into the skin at specific depths to target a variety of concerns. For example, Morpheus8 is excellent for tightening lax skin on the face or body skin, whereas Lumecca IPL is primarily used to fade hyperpigmentation. Hair removal lasers target the hair follicles in the skin to stop their growth cycle. We’ll gladly assess your needs to recommend your ideal light and laser regimen.

What is a “Lunchtime Peel”?

The Enzymatic Peel by ZO Skin Health is an at-home treatment that delivers professional-grade results. Sometimes called a “Lunchtime Peel” because of its ease of use, the Enzymatic Peel brightens, tones, and smooths the skin with key ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids to replenish dull surface cells and kukui seed oil to maintain a healthy skin moisture barrier. 

Am I a candidate for weight loss treatments with Semaglutide?

Adults with a BMI of 27 or higher who have an obesity-related medical condition like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or type 2 diabetes are eligible for treatment with Semaglutide. Adults with a BMI of 30 or higher are also eligible. 

Am I a candidate for Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)? 

The onset of a hormonal imbalance is often associated with aging in both men and women. However, your hormones may become imbalanced due to a variety of underlying conditions that affect people of any age. Common symptoms of a hormonal imbalance include low energy, low libido, sexual problems, hair loss, decreased muscle mass, hot flashes, mood problems, and weight gain. If you suspect your hormones are causing unwanted physical symptoms, schedule a consultation for HRT. We’ll assess your symptoms and provide diagnostic testing to determine your hormone levels and the best course of treatment. 

Revitalize your mind, body, and spirit with customized medical spa treatments. Achieve exquisite results in our chic and comfortable Med Spa in Norman, OK. Our team is excited to help you realize your most confidently beautiful life!

2930 Adams Rd, Ste 130, Norman, OK 73069

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